a radio feature produced by Michael Shirrefs

There’s an old tradition in parts of rural Australia of the ‘Twig’ or ‘Twiggy’—suddenly deciding, on a whim, to stop by the side of the road, light a camp-fire with some friends and sit around for a chat, or to play music. Now the idea’s being revived, with an artist-in-residence staging Twigs on farms along the Victorian/NSW border. And it’s giving farming communities, who’ve been through a lot in recent years, a strong sense of their own cultural identity.

An artist-in-residence, Trevor Flinn, has been staying for a week at a time with the farming families—with a Twig being held at the end of the week for a small group of invited guests. And the impact on these small communities has been surprising.
But if you’re still unsure about what a Twig really is, Michael Shirrefs has travelled to see Peter Redfearn, who hosted the first Twig at his property—a farm called Farnley, just south of Moulamein in NSW.
More Information
Thanks to Jane Ogden for her recording skills, providing lovely sound textures from within the private Twig events,
and to John Britten for his sonic backdrops
© 2012, Michael Shirrefs & ABC RN